Management Efficiency Through Internal Control
Management Efficiency Through Internal Control Synopsis: I. Introduction of IC (a. meaning, b. categories, c. need for IC, principles, etc.) II. A few IC checklists for Corporate house: a. Control Environment; b. The accounting system (General) III. Most important Internal control Checklists: Cash, Bank, and Cash equivalents; Procurement (EOQ) & Bills Payables; Sales/Revenue income & B/R; Employee compensation (Wages & Salaries); Personal Income tax issues IV. Conclusion V. Q&A session VI. Reviewing participant’s responses
- 1 Section
- 2 Lessons
- 204 Weeks
- Management Efficiency Through Internal Control2
Management Efficiency Through Internal Control
I. Introduction of IC (a. meaning, b. categories, c. need for IC, principles, etc.)
II. A few IC checklists for Corporate house: a. Control Environment; b. The accounting system (General)
III. Most important Internal control Checklists:
- Cash, Bank, and Cash equivalents;
- Procurement (EOQ) & Bills Payables;
- Sales/Revenue income & B/R;
- Employee compensation (Wages & Salaries);
- Personal Income tax issues
IV. Conclusion
V. Q&A session
VI. Reviewing participant’s responses