Utilize ChatGPT Power To Increase Sales
Utilize ChatGPT Power To Increase Sales Contents of the Training: 1. Introduction to Chat GPT and AI 2. AI in Digital Marketing. 3. Content Creation through ChatGPT 4. Marketing campaign Design through ChatGPT. 5. Sales SOP creation 6. Digital Marketing through ChatGPT assistance 7. Review sales performance and corrective actions in ChatGPT. 8. Mastering Sale Prompt in Chat GPT. 9. Practical Case Study 10. Way forward **Free 2000 Prompt Ebook with the Training**
- 1 Section
- 3 Lessons
- 204 Weeks
- Utilize ChatGPT Power To Increase Sales3
Utilize ChatGPT Power To Increase Sales
Contents of the Training:
1. Introduction to Chat GPT and AI
2. AI in Digital Marketing.
3. Content Creation through ChatGPT
4. Marketing campaign Design through ChatGPT.
5. Sales SOP creation
6. Digital Marketing through ChatGPT assistance
7. Review sales performance and corrective actions in ChatGPT.
8. Mastering Sale Prompt in Chat GPT.
9. Practical Case Study
10. Way forward
**Free 2000 Prompt Ebook with the Training**