Mohammad Osman Farhan Al Harun
Mohammad Osman Farhan Al Harun is an Assistant Professor, professional corporate trainer, and researcher. He studied in three countries- USA, Malaysia, and Bangladesh. He obtained three Master degrees in different fields of academia- English Language Teaching, English Literature, and Business Administration; lastly, pursued his Ph.D. degree at University Putra Malaysia. As an academician, he has more than 17 years of practical teaching experience in different sectors including universities and corporate sectors. He taught several English language courses in reputed private universities of Bangladesh including Southeast University, Northern University, and Green University of Bangladesh. His specialization includes English for Academic and English for Specific Purposes, Communicative English, Interactive Teaching and Effective Classroom Management Strategies, Public Speaking, Presentation Techniques, Professional Business Correspondence, and essential soft skills. As a faculty member of a reputed university, he coordinated important correspondence with the British Council and The Daily Star; also associated with the Center for Career Development, Club for Languages, Convocation Committee, Theater Club, official documentaries of different departments, and arranging foreign language programs for the Language Center. He was an undergrad thesis supervisor of the English department at Green University. Mr. Osman presented research papers and concepts at local and international conferences both at home and abroad. He also conducted some international webinars from Malaysia. In the corporate sector, he is known as a career counselor and professional trainer. He conducted several training programs for professionals including government officers, doctors, engineers, bankers, lawyers, accountants, IT professionals, academicians, pharmacists, businessmen, homemakers, and young learners. As a teachers’ trainer, he has been conducting training programs in different educational institutions and training academies since 2014. He is an enlisted examiner of a training academy under the Ministry of Finance of the Bangladesh government and director of several organizations. Mr. Osman is the former Head of Skill Development at Bangladesh Students ‘Union Malaysia (BSUM), a member of Onism Consultancy, Malaysia, and a pioneer of several educational YouTube channels. Teaching and research are his passions and he wants to contribute to the professional development of the educated society of the nation
Smart Preparation for Dream Job
TRAINING OVERVIEW: Everybody has a dream; a dream job is a part and parcel of a person’s goal in life. However, pursuing a...