K M Hasan Ripon
Mr. K M Hasan Ripon have experience of working in small and large teams of different profiles: young people, students, adults, educators, volunteers, corporate leaders, youth workers and youth leaders, institutional managers, sometimes mixed into one group. In his professional network he is very much known as seminar presenter and conference speaker on a wide variety of topics related to social, professional, motivational, leadership & management skills, entrepreneurship training and Competency Based Training & Assessment (CBT&A). During the last 16 years he was engaged in Human Resource Research and Development in various professional and life skills. As a consultant, he have conducted many national and international Research based works, trainings and workshops for national, transnational and multinational organizations and Institutions.
Since the start of his career he is working closely with industries and education sector and Training Industries. During the time his special focus was the youth group, particularly motivation factors, career guidance, employability skills, Teaching & Learning Techniques, competency development aspects and did enough research on these arenas. As a CEO of Jobsbd.com, he have the opportunity to reach them and regularly conduct training programs, seminar, workshop, boot camp for the students and corporate sectors which also helps me to extensive experience in dealing with skills matrix, industry requirements and intercultural differences. He always pay effort to make my delivery insightful, stimulate participants to unleash their innate energies, fulfill their potential and create an intense desire for success and personal excellence.
He collaborate on regular basis with different institutions and as a training consultant he is used to talk in public, facilitate meetings and events and participate in debates.