KPI: Individual Performance to Make Organization Great
Introduction Why do some organizations fail to stay competitive in the market? One of the most important reasons is that they have no Performance Management System that collects, Analyze, and Report Information regarding the performance of the organization. The purpose of developing a system for effective measuring of performances is to understand, adjust, and improve the business in all departments of the organization. Performance measurement enables effective organizations to express their success by numbers. Beside control function indicators of performances also have two other functions: Developing and guiding function: they present a base for formulating and implementing the strategy of …
- 1 Section
- 12 Lessons
- 204 Weeks
- Individual Performance to make organization great12
- 2.1Overview2 Minutes
- 2.2Introduction4 Minutes
- 2.3Course Materials
- 2.4What is KPIs5 Minutes
- 2.5Characteristics of KPIs8 Minutes
- 2.6Characteristics of Good KPIs4 Minutes
- 2.7Uses of KPIs1 Minute
- 2.8How to Design KPIs8 Minutes
- 2.9Types of KPIs4 Minutes
- 2.10Development of KPIs5 Minutes
- 2.11Define The Audience28 Minutes
- 2.12The Myths7 Minutes
Why do some organizations fail to stay competitive in the market?
One of the most important reasons is that they have no Performance Management System that collects, Analyze, and Report Information regarding the performance of the organization. The purpose of developing a system for effective measuring of performances is to understand, adjust, and improve the business in all departments of the organization. Performance measurement enables effective organizations to express their success by numbers. Beside control function indicators of performances also have two other functions:
- Developing and guiding function: they present a base for formulating and implementing the strategy of the organization
- Motivation function: they induce management to fulfill goals and motivate all stakeholders to realize those goals and on the even higher level
Performance Measurements and Key Performance Indicators are the means to monitor the execution of the Strategy of the
Organization. It is, therefore, absolutely vital that organizations should have proper strategies and proper means of executing the strategies.
Course Objective:
- Integrating performance measures in strategic and operational management systems
- How to link Strategy to Operational Activities
- Methods for developing and implementing a performance Measurement System
- Provision of a practical resource kit for implementing performance measurements
- Realize the benefits of utilizing an effective performance Measurement System
- To understand the concept of Strategy and Strategy Execution
- Address the human factors of implementing a performance measurement system
Course Outline:
- Understanding Performance Management
- Understanding of KPI
- Characteristic of KPIs
- Uses of KPI
- Design KPI
- Alignment of Strategy and KPI
- Action for KPI
- KPI: Myth
Learner Outcomes:
At the end of this course participants will be able to:
- Clear Idea about KPI
- How KPIs are aligned with Strategy
- How to interpret business objective through individual performance
Training Method:
The training uses participatory methods such as on-line case studies, role play, open discussion, storytelling, and Audio-Video presentations, Brain Storming, Simulation, Lecture-Discussion Sharing/Participatory, Practical Problem Solving, Problem Solving,
Participants have the opportunity to learn by doing, learn from each other, and learn from the trainer.
For Whom:
All personnel involved in developing and implementing Performance Measures Advisors, planners, and others developing Scorecards and Dashboards Functional, Line and Operational Managers Process Improvement/Quality managers Project / PMO Managers
English and Bengali but the training is presented in English
- After completing every lesson click on the “COMPLETE” button the go to the next lesson.
- Must set up your first name, last name, and display name from settings of your profile for your certificate.
- don’t click on the “FINISH COURSE” button.
- If you click on the “FINISH COURSE” button then the course will be finished and a Certificate will be generated.
- More details:
Instructor of this Training:
Hasan Taiab Imam