Structural Equation Modeling Using AMOS
Outline: AMOS A complete perspective of SEM applications in research. Basic of AMOS environment. Construct validity and reliability. Test of convergent validity and discriminant validity, Confirmatory Factory Analysis. Measurement model analysis. Structural model analysis. Structural model (path coefficient) analysis. Mediation (indirect effect) analysis. Multi-group analysis (MGA) in the testing of moderation effect. Result presentation and interpretation. Note: After completing each lesson, you have to click on the “COMPLETE” button then go to the next lesson. All participants will get a digital certificate from Thriving Skills Limited. Must set up your first name, last name, and display name from settings of …
- 1 Section
- 4 Lessons
- 204 Weeks
- Structural Equation Modeling Using Amos4
Outline: AMOS
- A complete perspective of SEM applications in research.
- Basic of AMOS environment.
- Construct validity and reliability.
- Test of convergent validity and discriminant validity,
- Confirmatory Factory Analysis.
- Measurement model analysis.
- Structural model analysis.
- Structural model (path coefficient) analysis.
- Mediation (indirect effect) analysis.
- Multi-group analysis (MGA) in the testing of moderation effect.
- Result presentation and interpretation.
- After completing each lesson, you have to click on the “COMPLETE” button then go to the next lesson.
- All participants will get a digital certificate from Thriving Skills Limited.
- Must set up your first name, last name, and display name from settings of your profile for your certificate.
- Don’t click on the “FINISH COURSE” button.
- If you click on the “FINISH COURSE” button then the webinar will be finished and a Certificate will be generated.
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