Change your cover photoUpload Change your cover photoUpload Md. Shidur Rahaman This user account status is Approved About About Posts Posts Comments Comments It was very understoodable but high profile course. On Emotional Intelligence 4S of Emotional Intelligence - 1. Self Awareness 2. Self Management 3. Social Awareness 4. Social Skills. On Conclusion Team means a group of people who have a specific vision, mission and objectives. On Team Work # Leadership Excellence - The VIP model by SLSD V - Vision V - Value V - Victory I -… On Leadership Skills Communication is the mother of all of skills. Effective communication brings a positive result. On Communication Skills # According to Daniel Goleman there are Seven competency in Social Skills Maintaining for Relationship - 1. Inspire Leaders 2.… On Social Skills There are effective four tools for improving social awareness - 1. Practice greeting 2. Practice the art of listening 3.… On Understand The Mood Of The Room There are effective four tools for improving social awareness - 1. Practice greeting 2. Practice the art of listening 3.… On Understand The Rules of Culture Game Practice the art of listening is very important for social awareness. On Practice The Art of Listening There are very effective four tools improve social awareness - 1. Practice greeting. On Social Awareness Tools load more comments