Educational Entrepreneurship
Course Description: Much of the scholarship on entrepreneurs and entrepreneurship blurs the distinction between innovators and entrepreneurs, who share many characteristics. For this purpose, this course will define education entrepreneurs quite narrowly as a rare breed of innovator whose characteristics and activities may lead to the transformation -not merely the slight improvement of the public and private sector education systems. Hence, this course primarily covers the topics which are important to understand (1) the qualities that define entrepreneurs in general, (2) those that distinguish social entrepreneurs, and (3) those that make social entrepreneurs such a potentially powerful force within the …
- 1 Section
- 9 Lessons
- 104 Weeks
- Educational Entrepreneurship9
- 2.1What is Education2 Minutes
- 2.2Piliars of Education4 Minutes
- 2.3What is E-ship5 Minutes
- 2.4Who are Educational Entrepreneurs2 Minutes
- 2.5Social Responsibilities of Entrepreneurs2 Minutes
- 2.6Social Values1 Minute
- 2.7Attributes of E-ship2 Minutes
- 2.8Principles of an Entrepreneurial3 Minutes
- 2.9Conclusion2 Minutes
Course Description:
Much of the scholarship on entrepreneurs and entrepreneurship blurs the distinction between innovators and entrepreneurs, who share many characteristics. For this purpose, this course will define education entrepreneurs quite narrowly as a rare breed of innovator whose characteristics and activities may lead to the transformation -not merely the slight improvement of the public and private sector education systems.
Hence, this course primarily covers the topics which are important to understand (1) the qualities that define entrepreneurs in general, (2) those that distinguish social entrepreneurs, and (3) those that make social entrepreneurs such a potentially powerful force within the public and private education today.
Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs):
After the completion of this course, learners will be able to learn:
- definition of education and the four Pillars of Education;
- definition of Educational Entrepreneurship (E-ship) in the education system;
- detail reasoning and background of E-ship & attributes of E-ship;
- definition of entrepreneurship and characteristics of an entrepreneur;
- social Dimensions of Entrepreneurship
- Dimensions of Teacher’s Accountability
- Principles of an Entrepreneurial Education System &
- Strategies for Developing E-ship at educational institutions.
Why E-Ship Course?
Sustainable transformations of public and private education require the work of other important change agents -including “intrapreneurs,” who create new entrepreneurial approaches within a system. Educational entrepreneurship is nothing but the creation of intrapreneurship among the leaders or teachers or instructors at all levels of education systems.
Hence, this course will empower current and aspiring leaders in the education sector with the critical academic knowledge, cross-sector tools, business skills, and entrepreneurial mindset necessary to create innovative solutions in the education system.
Target Audience & Target Groups:
George Bernard Shaw said that “The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man”.
Educational Entrepreneurship (E-ship) is a skill of creating sustainable social value for education by the teacher who will (i) Pursue new opportunities (ii) Engage in continuous innovation (iii) Exhibit a high degree of accountability for quality educations outcomes and (iv) Act as change catalyst with innovativeness, risk-taking capability, self-efficacy, and accountability. Hence, this course will benefit anyone who is involved especially in the teaching-learning process at all levels of education systems. More specifically, the target audiences of this course are:
- Teachers;
- Trainers;
- Mentors & Advisers;
- Entrepreneurs, Managers or Administrators of Public and Private Sector Enterprises;
- Students of Bachelor and Masters Programs who are planning to be teachers or instructors;
- Anyone who has Interested in E-Ship.
- After completing each lesson, you have to click on the “COMPLETE” button then go to the next lesson.
- Must fill up your first name and last name before complete this course for your certificate.
- You have to complete all quizzes with a minimum 70% correct answer & within available Re-take.
- Complete every lesson of this course serially.
- Don’t click on the “FINISH COURSE” button.
- If you click on the “FINISH COURSE” button then the course will be finished, you will unable to complete the next lessons or parts of this course and a Certificate will be generated.
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