Thriving Skills
- Blockchain for Business
🎤 Bina Ramamurthy – Professor, University at Buffalo – LinkedIn Profile
৳ 1,000 - Blockchain for Digital Transformation
🎤 Dr. Rafiuddin Ahmed – Associate Professor, FBS, University of Dhaka – LinkedIn Profile
৳ 1,000 - How to Lead a Productive Life
Training Contents: Workshop Objectives 1. Giving every day of life a meaning 2. Conquering the...
৳ 1,500 - Smart PLS 3.3.3
Training Contents: 1. A whole Data Analysis Process 2. Concept of SEM 3. Lowe Order...
৳ 2,000 - A Cherish Journey to Ph.D. Program
Training outline: Synopsis: This training would demonstrate the idea generation process through different channels, particularly Google,...
৳ 1,000৳ 800 - A to Z Research Solutions
Training outline: 1. Research title 2. Background of the study 3. Problem statement 4 Research...
৳ 1,500৳ 1,000 - Brand Yourself Digitally
Training Outline: 🔹দেখুন আপনি হয়ত অনেক কাজ করছেন কিন্তু আপনার কাজ সম্পর্কে তেমন কেউ জানেনা।...
৳ 1,000 - Managing Supply Chain Disruption in COVID 19
Synopsis: Supply Chain Management (SCM) assists the business organization to compete in the dynamic international...
৳ 1,000৳ 800 - Research Methodology and Publications: An Editorial Perspective
Synopsis: This workshop would demonstrate the significance of the research, exploring the new ideas, various types...
৳ 1,000৳ 800 - Exit CS Enter CX
Course Outline: 1. Managing a call center 2. Customer service via Email 3. Physical Center...
৳ 800 - Digital Transformation and Literacy
“In the Digital transformation era everything will be completely automated like knowledge, intelligence and many...
৳ 1,000 - Pregnancy Expectations & Common Complaints
Overview of the Course: গর্ভধারণ মেয়েদের শারীরিক, মানসিক এবং biochemical ব্যাপার গুলোতে অনেক পরিবর্তন ঘটায়...
৳ 1,000 - Islamic Economics for Homemakers
Overview of the Course: Essentials of Economics is for all. All members of society are...
৳ 1,000 - The Art of Homemaking
আমরা যে ছাদের নিচে বসবাস করি, সেখানে সুখ এবং সম্বৃদ্ধি আনার সবচেয়ে আদিম প্রচেষ্টা বা...
৳ 1,000 - Investment Factors and Stock Return
Investment Factors and Stock Return: A Practical Approach to Investment in the Capital Market The objective...
৳ 1,500৳ 1,200 - Performance Management System: Global Best Practices
Introduction: Managing employee performance facilitates the effective delivery of strategic and operational goals. There is...
৳ 999 - Payroll Management
Training Outline : · What is payroll? · Activities of payroll · Salary & Payslip...
৳ 1,000৳ 800