Thriving Skills
Blockchain for Supply Chain Management
🎤 Prof. Dr. Md. Mamun Habib – SBE, Independent University, Bangladesh – LinkedIn Profile
Blockchain for Business
🎤 Bina Ramamurthy – Professor, University at Buffalo – LinkedIn Profile
Blockchain for Digital Transformation
🎤 Dr. Rafiuddin Ahmed – Associate Professor, FBS, University of Dhaka – LinkedIn Profile
How to Lead a Productive Life
How to Lead a Productive Life Training Contents: Workshop Objectives 1. Giving every day of life a meaning 2. Conquering the fear about...
Smart PLS 3.3.3
Smart PLS 3.3.3 Training Contents: 1. A whole Data Analysis Process 2. Concept of SEM 3. Lowe Order Constructs (LOC) 4. Higher-Order Constructs...
A Cherish Journey to Ph.D. Program
A Cherish Journey to Ph.D. Program Training outline: Synopsis: This training would demonstrate the idea generation process through different channels, particularly Google, ResearchGate,,...
A to Z Research Solutions
A to Z Research Solutions Training outline: 1. Research title 2. Background of the study 3. Problem statement 4 Research questions & objectives...
Brand Yourself Digitally
Training Outline: Brand Yourself Digitally 🔹দেখুন আপনি হয়ত অনেক কাজ করছেন কিন্তু আপনার কাজ সম্পর্কে তেমন কেউ জানেনা। 🔹 আপনার অনেক সুন্দর সুন্দর কিছু...
Managing Supply Chain Disruption in COVID 19
Managing Supply Chain Disruption in COVID 19: Synopsis: Supply Chain Management (SCM) assists the business organization to compete in the dynamic international market....
Research Methodology and Publications: An Editorial Perspective
Research Methodology and Publications: Synopsis: This workshop would demonstrate the significance of the research, exploring the new ideas, various types of research publications, the...
Exit CS Enter CX
Course Outline: 1. Managing a call center 2. Customer service via Email 3. Physical Center Operation 4. Social CX 5. Chatbot 6. RPA...
Digital Transformation and Literacy
Digital Transformation and Literacy: “In the Digital transformation era everything will be completely automated like knowledge, intelligence and many more but very few...
Pregnancy Expectations & Common Complaints
Overview of the Course: গর্ভধারণ মেয়েদের শারীরিক, মানসিক এবং biochemical ব্যাপার গুলোতে অনেক পরিবর্তন ঘটায় । এ পরিবর্তনগুলো হয় fetus বা ভ্রূণের ক্রমবর্ধন...
Islamic Economics for Homemakers
Overview of the Course: Essentials of Economics is for all. All members of society are connected to the economy and financial system in...
The Art of Homemaking
আমরা যে ছাদের নিচে বসবাস করি, সেখানে সুখ এবং সম্বৃদ্ধি আনার সবচেয়ে আদিম প্রচেষ্টা বা শিল্প হচ্ছে হোমমেইকিং বা গৃহকর্ম। এই শিল্প আমাদের...
Investment Factors and Stock Return
Investment Factors and Stock Return The objective of the course: The main objective of the session is to understand the key investment factors...
Performance Management System: Global Best Practices
Performance Management System: Introduction: Managing employee performance facilitates the effective delivery of strategic and operational goals. There is a clear and immediate correlation...
Payroll Management
Training Outline : · What is payroll? · Activities of payroll · Salary & Payslip Management · Increment Management · OT Management ·...
Automate With power Query & Macro
Training Instructor: Sami Huq