Md. Nazmul Muneer
Data Analysis and Presentation Using Power BI
Data Analysis and Presentation Using Power BI TRAINING CONTENTS Power BI is a technology-driven business intelligence tool provided by Microsoft that lets you...
Data Analysis and Presentation Using Power BI
TRAINING CONTENTS: Data Analysis and Presentation Using Power BI INTRODUCTION OF POWERBI General concepts of PowerBI Parts of PowerBI Why PowerBI? – Various...
Advanced Automated Dashboard Reporting System Using Excel
Advanced Automated Dashboard Reporting System Using Excel Training Overview: Microsoft Excel is widely used to prepare various types of analytical interactive reports for...
Excel for Accounting & Finance Professionals
Course Outline: Excel for Accounting & Finance Professionals Microsoft Excel is one of the most essential applications to any modern Accounting and Finance...
Advanced Dashboard Reporting Using Excel
Overview: Microsoft Excel is widely used to prepare various types of analytical interactive reports for the top management who are at the planning...
Excel Skill Boosting Session on LOOKUPs with XLOOKUP Function
Schedule: 29th April 2021, 9:45 pm – 10:45 pm (Dhaka) Overview: XLOOKUP is the one of the most powerful advanced functions in Excel....
Data Visualization Using Charts & Graphs
OVERVIEW: Data visualization is very important for users who are involved with data analysis and preparing reports for decision-makers. Every individual presentation should...
Advanced Automated Dashboard Reporting System Using Excel
Advanced Automated Dashboard Reporting System Using Excel Overview: Microsoft Excel is widely used to prepare various types of analytical interactive reports for the...
Advanced Excel with Practical Business Case Studies
Contents of the Training: Advanced Excel with Practical Business Case Studies USE $ SIGN IN FORMULA Concept of a formula in Excel Lock...
Advanced Automated Dashboard Reporting System Using Excel
Overview of this Training: Advanced Automated Dashboard Reporting System Using Excel Microsoft Excel is widely used to prepare various types of analytical interactive reports...
Microsoft Excel Advanced Data Processing and Reporting Techniques
Microsoft Excel Advanced Data Processing and Reporting Techniques LOOKUP & REFERENCES General VLOOKUP & HLOOKUP function Complex uses of VLOOKUP/HLOOKUP MATCH function and...
Microsoft Excel – Advanced Level
Course Overview: Microsoft Excel – Advanced Level This course has been designed for the extreme excel users with the most essential advanced excel...
Advanced Automated Dashboard Reporting System Using Excel
Advanced Automated Dashboard Reporting System Using Excel Overview of this Training: Microsoft Excel is widely used to prepare various types of analytical interactive...
Microsoft Excel VBA & Macro Basics
Overview: Microsoft Excel VBA & Macro Basics You are struggling and killing huge times every day to do your daily excel works to...
Lookup Functions with Practical Business Case Study
Lookup Functions with Practical Business Case Study Webinar Outline: Sometimes you are struggling with Excel to get your required output and waste huge...
Data Visualization Using Charts & Graphs
Data Visualization Using Charts & Graphs OVERVIEW: Data visualization is very important for users who are involved with data analysis and preparing reports...
Microsoft Excel – VBA & Macro
Course Overview: Microsoft Excel – VBA & Macro Microsoft Excel is the most essential and powerful application of the Microsoft Office package. It...
Most Out of Excel
Outline: Most Out of Excel Sometimes you are struggling with Excel to get your required output and waste huge time every day those...
Excel VBA & Macro
Excel VBA & Macro Overview of this Webinar: You are struggling and killing huge times every day to do your daily excel works...