M A Wahab
M A Wahab is one of the authors of text books recognized by Dhaka University and National University of Bangladesh for their Graduate and Post-Graduate Curriculum titled 1) ‘Cost Accounting’, 2) ‘Auditing: Principles and Procedures’.
With more than 37 years’ service experiences in different capacities at various multinational and reputed national organizations of Bangladesh, most notably: Dhaka City College, CIBA-GEIGY (presently NOVARTIS), Swedish Match AB, Hamdard, JOMAC (Bangabandhu Bridge project), Swisscontact, Navana group, viz, now he keeps himself busy as a Facilitator and Coach of HR and Finance at Academy for Innovative Management (AIM), Dhaka, Bangladesh
Wahab received Master of Commerce (with Honors in Finance) from Dhaka University in 1978, Chartered Accountancy course from The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Bangladesh and Post-graduation in HR Management (PGDHRM) from Bangladesh Institute of Management (BIM), Dhaka.
He takes keen interest in the field of Education, HR/Administrative capacity building, Financial system implementation.
He is a qualified ISO Auditor of International Registered & Certified Auditors (IRCA), U.K. and has got specialization in system review and implementation of Quality Management System (QMS). He is specialist in QMS, Human Capital development and strengthening internal control.
Wahab was a member of the Board of Directors and Co-chairman of Finance and Investment Committee of Social Islamic Bank Limited (SIBL), Bangladesh and Director (Finance & Admin) of New Brothers Knitwear Limited, Company Secretary of IDS Group of Companies (100% export oriented Knit /Garments industries).
He was an Executive Council member of The Institute of Personnel Management (IPM), Bangladesh. He was also a member of Academic Council of IPM, Examiner of Dhaka University and part-time faculty of AIUB, Trainer of Bangladesh Insurance Academy and a panel trainer of Rupali Bank Ltd Training Institute, Naigra Textiles Limited, Fast group of Companies, Bangladesh Institute for Professional Development (BIPD). He is a fellow of IPM.
He contributed various articles on HR, Finance and Management issues in the leading dailies of Bangladesh. Wahab is the re-translator of ‘Islam : a brief Introduction’ (a famous book of Prof. Shaikh Ali al Tantawi, Grand Mufti of Al Azhar University, Egypt and Professor of Madina Islamic University, KSA).
Wahab is a member of Intellectual Property Association of Bangladesh (IPAB), Associate member of Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA), Bangladesh. He is a life member of Dhaka University Alumni Association (DUAA), Registered Graduate (DU), life member of S.M. Hall (DU) Alumni Association, Director of Lions’ International (Bangladesh), member of Bangla Academy. He is one of the members of Board of Trustees of Acid Survival Foundation (ASF).
He was born in an educated Muslim family of Satkhira on the 01-Sep-1955.