Imrul kayas
Imrul kayas
ACA, ACGA, AFA(UK), MIPA (Australia), CIPFA (Affiliate, UK)
Training Experiences:
Mr. Imrul Kayas works as a faculty teacher of the Institute of Certified General Accountants of Bangladesh (ICGAB) where he takes the class on Financial Reporting and Advanced Audit and Assurance subject. Earlier, he worked as a trainer in Tax News BD and IPDP to train the participants regarding Accounting Standards, Tax and VAT. Recently, he has participated as a trainer in PADAKHEP (a renowned NGO) and Poschimanchal Gas Transmission Limited (a concern of Petro Bangla) to train senior-level staffs regarding Accounting Standards, Tax and VAT.
Professional Qualification
Institution: The Institute of Chartered Accountants in Bangladesh
Membership Type: Associate Chartered Accountant (ACA)
CA Completed : December 2016
Membership No. : 1821
Registration No. : 19100
Firm’s Name : Aziz Halim Khair Choudhury
Articleship Period : 6
th December 2010 to 5th December 2013
Institution: Institute of Financial Accountants (IFA, UK)
Membership Type: Associate Financial Accountant (AFA)
Date of Admission: 12.01.21
Membership Number: 282785
Institution: Institute of Public Accountants (IPA, Melbourne, Australia)
Membership Type: Member of Institute of Public Accountants (MIPA)
Date of Admission: 12.01.21
Membership Number: 282785
Institution: The Chartered Institute of Public Finance & Accountancy (CIPFA, UK)
Membership Type: Affiliate Member of The Chartered Institute of Public
Finance & Accountancy (CIPFA, Affil, UK)
Date of Admission: 11 December, 2020
Membership No: 49533-CIP
Institution: The Institute of Certified General Accountants of Bangladesh
Membership Type: Associate Certified General Accountant of Bangladesh
Membership Number: 905
Date of Admission: August, 2019
Institution: Association of Chartered Certified Accountant (ACCA)
Current level: Strategic level (Two papers left only)
Student ID: 4079762
Institution: Bangladesh Institute of Supply Chain Management (BISCM)
Certification Type: Certified Supply Chain Manager (CSCM)
Certificate No: 0066
Issue Date: 20th January, 2021
Types of Activities Performed:
➢ Dealings Tax related issues directly with DCT, Joint Commissioner of Taxes, Members
of the Tribunal.
➢ Dealings monthly, half yearly and annual reports of TAX and VAT
➢ Preparation of Financial Statements (Financial Position, Financial Performance, Receipt
and Payments, Cash flow Statements and notes to the Financial Statements)
➢ AIT calculation in Salary Income under Section 50
➢ Monthly TDS statement
➢ Annual Salary Statement under Section 108
➢ Vat Return Submission under section 35
➢ Preparation of Individual Income Tax Return
➢ Preparation of Company’s Income Tax Return
➢ Preparation of salary certificates
➢ Monthly PF Statements
➢ Quarterly PF Statement
➢ Final Settlements of PF members
➢ Annual PF Financial Statements
➢ Preparation of proposal
Other curriculum activities, courses and achievements:
➢ Participated in UK Education Fair as a volunteer organized by British Council in Pan
Pacific Ruposhi Bangla Hotel.
➢ Performed English Spoken Course in Mentors in September 2006 and ended this course
in December 2006
➢ Performed Spoken and Pronunciation course organized by Lodestar from 1st March 2009
to 14th May 2009
➢ Performed writing, spoken, phonetics and IELTS courses from S@ifur’s
➢ Achieved Suma Cum Laude (Greatest Praise) Certificate in 11th February 2013 from
Eastern University for outstanding result.
➢ Played the role of class monitor in BBA & MBA
➢ Good knowledge in Accounting Standard, Auditing Standard, Business Combination,
Companies Act, Bank Companies Act, Tax, Vat and So on.
➢ Speak fluently in English
Works Performed:
External Audit works:
➢ Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited
➢ Grameen Bank
➢ National Bank Limited
➢ Bicon pharmaceuticals
➢ Orion groups
➢ Karitash NGO
➢ City University
➢ Posh Garments Limited
➢ Darus Salam Apartment
➢ Concord Garden Owners Association
➢ Nippon Que in Japan ( a power plant project)
➢ Heritage Restaurant Limited
Taxation works:
➢ Islami Bank Bangladesh limited
➢ ICB Islami Bank Limited
➢ First Security Islami Bank Limited
➢ Premier Bank Limited
➢ ShahajalalIslami bank Limited
➢ ShahajalalIslami Bank Securities Limited
➢ Union Bank Limited
➢ National Finance Limited
➢ Rahimafrooz Batteries Limited
➢ RahimafroozSupershop Limited
➢ RAK Ceramics Limited
➢ Puls Trading Far East Limited
➢ Arla Foods Bangladesh Limited
➢ Debenhams HK Limited
➢ Perry Elli’s International
➢ Meril Life Science Limited