Md.Monirul Islam
Mr. Monirul Islam is an Assistant Judge and Magistrate of the First Class of the Government of the People`s Republic of Bangladesh. The is working as the Trainer/ Resource Person of bdjobs Training Institute for about 8 years.
Formally, he was a Corporate Lawyer. He has knowledge on Drafting Contracts, Corporate Law, Labor Law, Taxation, International Agreements, ADR, Writ matters etc.
He was the Advocate of the Supreme Court of Bangladesh. He was the Member of Dhaka Bar Association and Dhaka Taxes Bar Association.
Mr. Islam successfully completed his LLB (Hon’s) from Dhaka University and LLM (Master of Laws) from the same University.
Mr. Islam worked as an Associate of a Corporate Law Firm named Legacy Legal Corporate. He has legal knowledge on Banking and Company Matters. He has also special knowledge on local, foreign & joint venture investment process in Bangladesh. He has significant experience of working with public and private sectors and thus having national and international orientation.
Mr. Islam has worked in drafting the Intellectual Property Policy of Bangladesh with the WIPO, a specialized body of United Nations and DPDT of the Ministry of Industries, Bangladesh. He has also tremendously worked with the DGDA; the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare and other Government Institutions in drafting the new Drugs Law of Bangladesh. He has special practice in Trademarks, patent as well as IP issues and Agreements/Contract (Both Local and International). Mr. Islam has also worked with the Ministry of Forests on drafting the Rules on Forests Matters in Bangladesh. He trains up the entrepreneurs on legal matters.
Mr. Islam has experience in teaching as a guest lecturer in distinguished educational institutions. He worked as the Adjunct Faculty Member of some Universities of Bangladesh e.g. the Northern University of Bangladesh (NUB), the People’s University of Bangladesh (PUB).