Md. Sajib Hossain, CFA
Ph.D. Student, Olin Business School, Washington University in St. Louis – 2020- Present
MS in Finance: Syracuse University, US ( Top 10 percentile) – 2016-17
MBA: Major in Finance, University of Dhaka ( Top 1 percentile) – 2011-12
BBA: Major in Finance, University of Dhaka (Top 2 percentile) – 2006-10
CFA Charterholder: CFA Institute 2015
Professional Experience
University of Dhaka, Department of Finance– 2016-Present
Assistant Professor
Fareast Finance and Investment Limited – 2021
Independent Director, Member (Audit Committee and Executive Committee)
Emerald Oil Industries Limited
Independent Director 2021
Syracuse University, Whitman School of Management Spring, 2017
Research Assistant for Professor Ravi Shukla
Royal Capital Ltd – 2015-2016
Deputy Head of Equity Research Team
University of Dhaka, Department of Finance – 2013-2015
Eastern Bank Limited – 2012
Equity Research Analyst
Scholarly Publication
1. “Post‐IPO Operating Performance of Firms in Bangladesh”, International Journal of Accounting and Review,
Vol. 7, No. 1; 2021 (Dr. Muhammad Saifuddin Khan)
2. “True Expense Ratio and True Alpha of Imperfect Diversification: Evidence Stock Market in Bangladesh”,
International Journal of Economics and Finance, vol. 12, No. 11, November 2020 issue.
3. “Determinants of Interest Rate Spread in the Banking Sector of Bangladesh” Journal of Banking and Financial
Services, Upcoming July-December Issue of 2020 (With Shabnaz Amin)
4. “An Empirical Analysis of the Relationship between Monetary Policy Stance and Stock Price in Bangladesh”
Journal of Bangladesh Development Studies (BDS), Volume XXXIX, March-June 2016, Number 1&2 (with
Amzad Hossain and Shabnaz Amin)
5. “Profitability from Momentum Strategies across Market States: Evidence from the Stock Market in Bangladesh”
Journal of Business Studies, Vol. XXXVI, No. 1, April 2016 (With Shabnaz Amin)
6. “Does Fama French Three Factor Model Explain the Cross Section of Return: Evidence from Bangladesh Market”
Journal of Finance and Banking, Volume 11, Number 2, page 24-36, 2013
7. “Does Dividend Policy Matter for Price Volatility: Evidence from Dhaka Stock Exchange” Journal of Finance
and Banking” Volume 12, Number 1, 2015.
8. Does Capital Structure Matter for Bank Firm Performance; Evidence from Listed Banks in Bangladesh, Journal
of Finance and Banking, 2013 (With Shabnaz Amin).
9. Profitability from Momentum Strategies across Market States: Evidence from the Stock Market in Bangladesh,
Journal of Business Studies, vol.Vol. XXXVI, No. 1, April 2016, 2015 (with Shabnaz Amin)
Research Project in Progress
1. Principal Investigator of Research Project: “The Effect of Covid-19 Pandemic on Tertiary Education: Evidence
from a Renowned University in Bangladesh”. The co-investigator of the project is Md Amzad Hossain, PhD
Candidate, University of Virginia. The project has been awarded BDT 6.4 lac by Centennial Research Grant,
University of Dhaka.
2. for conducting Research in Progress on “Regulatory Disclosure Choice and Capital Market Impact” along with
co-author Charlie X. Cai, Management School, University of Liverpool, UK, Sabur Mollah, Sheffield University
Management School, University of Sheffield, UK and Joanna Y. Ye Leeds University Business School, UK.
3. Co-Investigator on Research Project: “Research in Capital Market: Firm Characteristics and Cross-Section of
Expected Stock Return in Bangladesh” with Dr. Muhammad Saifuddin Khan, Associate Professor, Department
of Finance, DU. The project has been awarded BDT 4 lac by Centennial Research Grant, University of Dhaka.
Other Relevant Experiences
• Worked as trainer on capital markets topics at Dhaka Stock Exchange (The premier stocks exchange in
Bangladesh) training program, BICM training program, ICB Training Center, Bangladesh Academy for Securities
Market (BASM).
• Elected and worked as Professional Development Secretary of the Finance Alumni Association (an association
of more than 1,000 former finance graduates of the University of Dhaka)
• Founding member of CFA Society Bangladesh and grader and team captain for CFA Level III Exam Grading.
• Worked as session co-chair of finance for 3rd International Conference for Business and Economics organized by
University of Dhaka.
Awards and Achievements
• Fulbright Fellowship Award by US Department of State and Cultural Affair-2016-17
• Academic Excellence Award by Whitman School of Management, Syracuse University
• Deans Honor List Award, Provost Award, Deans Merit List Award for outstanding performance in BBA program,
and MBA program, Faculty of Business Studies, University of Dhaka.
Other Skills
Have working knowledge of SPSS, Stata, R and Python, Minitab and certified Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS)
Md. Sajib Hossain, CFA